Warrior DIVAS | Real Talk for Real Women

A Vision of Love

Episode Summary

Hello and Welcome to Warrior DIVAS Daily Devotional today’s verse is Psalm 119:64 The earth is filled with your love, Lord; teach me your decrees. Questions to Consider? What eyes are you looking at the world through? Do you love the unlovable? How will you show love to those around you today?

Episode Notes

Hello and Welcome to Warrior DIVAS Daily Devotional today’s verse is Psalm 119:64


The earth is filled with your love, Lord; teach me your decrees.


When I was a little girl people would always ask me where I got my pretty blue eyes, I would giggle and say “Key-Mart”….Yes, everything back in the day came from K-Mart, but the truth was I had my daddy’s eye. 


My dad’s eyes are unique and have a unique perspective. He and I have often been able to see and recognize things that many overlook. He is an Army veteran and retired Police Officer. He taught me how to look for things. 


I remember one car ride where he was telling me about when you are looking for something in an open field, like a deer. You would lookout as far as you could see and then bring your gaze back toward you. This allowed your eyes to catch what you were looking for instead of your eyes chasing where the deer had been. 


Another thing my dad showed me was how to see people, not their circumstance. There were times when he would bring homeless people to our home, so they could get a shower, a hot meal, their clothes washed and even new clothes, and see if there were ways my mom and dad could help them find a safe place to stay. They would minister to these people in physically and spiritually. 


My daddy’s eye’s taught me to search the world from the perspective of my Heavenly Father. 


I don’t know about you but when I look at social media, the news and even sometimes driving down the road, it is hard to remember that the earth is filled with love. Right now all my physical eyes can see is pain, anger, and war. 


However when I take the time to look around with my Heavenly fathers eyes I am able to see things from a different perspective. I set my vision out towards heaven, and for all those out there running scared, and in pain, I am able to see them as they run into my view. I try not to see their actions, but see beyond to what is the root of their pain. 


One thing I have begin to realize is so many people just want to be accepted, to be seen, to be heard, mostly they just want to be LOVED. 


To many of my friends Christian and non-Christian are spreading their “Truth” to be correct from a worldly perspective, but my challenge to myself and each of you listening today is to be relationally right by sharing God’s truth of Love, Peace, Joy & HOPE! 


Questions to Consider?

  1. What eyes are you looking at the world through?
  2. Do you love the unlovable?
  3.  How will you show love to those around you today?