Do you have dreams you want to reach, but have no idea how to get there? Here are a few questions to think about? Who am I aligned with? Are they moving me closer to or further away from my goal? What will it take to activate my dream? Do I have all of the pieces in place to activate now? Wait, I launched and now things aren’t going as planned, I’m a failure! DON’T GIVE UP! You may be just one small tweak away from a huge breakthrough! Everyday DIVA: Eva Fulton
Hello, and Welcome to Warrior DIVAS | Real Talk for Real Women. I am your host Angie Leigh Monroe, and we are going to have a great show today. So, buckle up and let's get ready, we may be talking about some bumpy things that you may not like, but we are going to have fun while doing it. I guarantee that. So, before we get started, I want to just remind you that we have our DIVAS Impact magazine out, we have our UnMasked Conference coming soon, you can find all the information at, and the conference is October 11 and 12th in Grapevine, Texas. We're going to be talking about some things that women hide behind, and how to step out from behind the mask, so to speak, and really just empower and activate you and a bunch of different ways that we can and you're going to make great friends while you're there. So, come on out October 11 and 12th. Make plans now, early bird pricing is going to be going up soon to regular price soon. So be able to get your tickets now.
And now on to the show. Now, I'm talking a little bit business stuff today because I had some women going you know, the inspiration is great, but I want some practical steps of how I can get from where I'm at to where I want to go. And I get it, I totally get it. And that's why I love this show. We want to focus on all sorts of things that apply to women, whether it's your faith, your fitness, your finance, and no I'm not the one to talk to you about your fitness stuff, we will bring people in to do that, but your finances again, not the person to talk to you about that, we will bring somebody in to talk about that. But all sorts of food and all sorts of other things that you want to talk about we’ll bring people in, we will have conversations, we will encourage, inspire, empower you in a lot of different areas. But one of the things that I am good talking about is, talking to you about how to set yourself up for success, right? There's a lot of friends out there that come up to me, they're like, you're just always so busy, and you're always doing so many amazing things. I just don't have the energy to do it. Well, I got news for you. I don't either. I am exhausted a lot of the times, but I have to book in my rest. I don't book my work around my rest; I booked my rest around my work. So, I get things done, because I know the timeframe in which I have to get them done. A lot of people right now we're like, well, you're always so busy. Well, yes, I am always busy. I had to align my life with the way things would flow for our family. So today we're going to talk about the three things that really can just get you set apart and help you launch, and it's align, activate, and calibrate. So, who are you aligned with?
You know, so here's, here's the thing about alignment. Have you ever had your back out of alignment, and you just couldn't get comfortable, maybe it popped a rib out or, or something like that, and you were just hurting all the time? It's miserable, right? Well, the same thing goes if you have a bad working relationship, a bad family relationship, a bad friendship, a friendship going bad, any of that stuff. If something gets out of alignment, it causes a friction and it causes a pain and it causes you to actually walk your life differently, right? So, if your, if your alignment is off, that means one of your shoulders is up higher than the other, maybe your hip is up higher than the other and the way you walk is different. So that's why we're starting off with alignment and who are you aligned with? First thing you need to know is, what is it that your goals and your purpose for your life are? Because if you can identify that, then you can identify the right people for you to be aligned with in different areas of your life. So for business aspect, right, whenever I started launching DIVAS Impact years ago and started thinking about it, I aligned myself with some people that built their businesses online, because a big portion of what we were going to be doing was going to be online. So, I aligned myself with those people so that I could learn from them because they were going places and they had been places that I wanted to go. So, finding that right place and that way I didn't have to reinvent the wheel. Okay, maybe for some of you out there, that's me, you need to align more with me, let me coach you through some of these things. Maybe you need to look at your life and your life ebb & flow, not balance, but your work life, ebb & flow as to what that looks like, maybe you need my friend Misty, to help you with that, she's an excellent life coach for that. But all these things that we are looking at and doing, we need to really know who it is we are and who we are called to be first.
So, aligning yourself with your core, it's going to be hard at times, because sometimes people aren't going to like what your core is about. When I start saying, I'm talking about women's empowerment, let me just tell you the eyes that roll. It's hilarious, especially from the men, until I remind them that they're married to a woman, maybe they're raising a daughter, they have a sister, they were born of a woman or met a woman, you know, so they start to realize, ‘Hey, I'm surrounded by a lot of women, you know, I may need to pay attention to some of this stuff.’ Who are you aligning yourself with? If you've got toxic people in your life, it's time to clean them out, do a cleanse, whether it's on Facebook, whether it's in real life, whatever it is, do a cleanse. I'm in the middle of doing a Facebook cleanse right now, I used to be all caught up in Oh, I need all the friends in the world and now I'm like, I could care less, as long as the friends in my world are impacting me positively. I don't want you on my friends list, you can be on my business page. Yep, I said it. Because that's my inner circle. That's the ones that are close to me and get to share life with me and if I don't know you personally, you're probably not going to make it on my, on my fan page, on my friends page, my friends list, whatever that's called on Fakebook, you know, the one I'm talking about? And you're definitely not going to make it on Snapchat, whatever that's called, or, you know, what is the instant Insta Look at me thing, the Instagram thing? Yeah, we've got that too. But I don't even have a personal page on Instagram, because there are too many creepo’s on Instagram.
So, I chose to align myself in the areas for my business one way for my personal life a different way. Another thing is, is when I wanted to learn more of the Bible and stuff like that, I went to the specific teachers that were teaching about what I was wanting to learn and were well versed in it. My pastor at the church, he teaches a great teaching on living a blessed life and all that stuff, but I wanted to learn more about the Jewish customs and stuff. So I went to a different church that spoke and taught more specifically on that because he had some of the knowledge that I wanted to obtain to be able to understand the word at a deeper level, it's finding the right people to align with.
Now, some of you out there going well, I don't have toxic people in my life. Well, you might want to look in the mirror and make sure that you're not the toxic person in other people's lives, and I'm sorry to have to say that but it needs to be said, I've had to look in the mirror and realize that I was the toxic person in people's life. Because I was not happy with myself or who I was dealing with or talking with, or I just didn't like myself period. So, I had to do some internal work on my own, but this alignment is so important because it's a key fundamental for you being able to grow. If you're aligned properly, like a say in the chiropractic thing, then your hips meet at the same place, then your feet are more grounded, you're less likely to tipple or topple over and fall and your balance is more in tune. Right? So, the alignment is important, because when you're wanting to launch; have you ever looked at a diving board and stood at the end of a diving board and dove using just your right foot as the main power or your left that is the main power, as opposed to using both your feet as the main power? It has a difference in how you come off the board, you're either going to go right if you're using your right leg and go left if you're using your left leg, but if you hit from both feet on the end of the board, and launch simultaneously with both feet, you're going to go straight down the center of that pole. It's all about how you're wanting to move forward. So, let's make sure you're aligned properly.
A lot of times when people get mad in the news for making a horrific mistake, and you often wonder where that little bend was for them in their character, or their personality, or who their friends were that allowed them to make that bend. I've had to look back on my life at times and do some self-introspect to just figure out what that was. But what we really need to focus on is ourselves, not what everybody else is bringing, but who we are, what we were called to be, and what our moral compass is. So, the reason that's important for when you go to activate is you now know where you're going. You now have a vision and a plan. You've seen it before you know where you're wanting to go and you launch towards it like an outfielder and baseball player diving for that ball that hit to the center field, right? He takes that dive; he catches that ball and he's super excited because he's launched for it. He's left for it, right? Well, that's what activating does. Activating helps you. So, start to step towards those hoping for those dreams and the goals you have for yourself.
Now, in 2009, when we started DIVAS Impact, I didn't really have the big vision of where we are today. I just had little pieces of I knew I wanted to impact women's lives for positive. That's all I knew. All I could do at that time was to step forward with small baby steps. It was kind of like a Texas Two Step, you know, you take two steps forward, and then there's a hitch two steps. And then there's a hitch two steps in there, there's a hitch as long as you're still taking two steps, doesn't matter how many hitches you take, you're still moving forward, it may be slow. And for a girl that likes to do the swing dancing and the jitter bugging and be slung all over the place. You know, it was it was a hard goal to just take two steps, hitch, two steps, hitch; seemed a little slow. Every once in a while, there'd be a twist or turn, you know known as a twirl in the two step, but I kept moving forward. Some of them that we did we put on a shelf kind of like I talked about in a podcast before about storing the way for another time, we just put them on a shelf. These are things we're hoping for, and we're dreaming for. We're not quite sure yet. We're not there yet, but we're going there. And then some of the things we started acting on. In 2016, we put out our first magazine, we had a great woman in place for that, but as we started putting the magazine out, there was some other things happening in her life. And she was a phenomenal woman. But she needed the time to step away to deal with some personal things that were going so amazingly well for her that she didn't need to be done distracted by the things for DIVAS Impact. So that was another hitch. it slowed us down, put us on pause, had us going okay, how do we sustain this long term because she was our person. You know, there's an old phrase I use a lot of times that says if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, who's going to pick up and carry on from where I'm at today. So, I am pretty methodical and just putting together lists so that if anybody comes in behind me, they can know where to go what to do and keep carrying on, but we hadn't gotten to that place yet with DIVAS Impact. We had just launched the magazine. We still had hopes and dreams, we were building up the website, we were doing so many amazing things. And this hitch just took a hitch there a little too long. But what that brought us to is because we had started, what we had moved towards, then we weren't throwing out the magazine, we're saying we're going to bring back the magazine. We don't know when, we don't know how but we're going to bring it back. But we're going to start dialing in some other things. We're going to work on the website. We're going to work on our social media, we're going to work on connecting with women, one on one. We want to do a podcast with a TV channel and do all these things. So how are we going to start that? Okay, now this is growing bigger than me. Now I need a team member to help me manage this because it's way overwhelming everything we've got going on. So, over this last year, we've added some team members, we've added Candyce, who is our coordinator for the DIVAS Impact team. We've added Kim Slater who is a marketing guru and helps us with the magazine. She's the creative arts director for the magazine. We've added Susie, who is our editor for our blog, and for our magazine and for anything else we put out because grammar is not my friend. But those three components right there have exponentially increased the volume of work that we've been able to put out to reach our women because one of the things I've realized, when I'm talking to women is there are some women that absolutely love listening to podcasts, then there's some that like watching YouTube videos, then there's some that like reading about it in magazines or on blogs, I had to find a way to reach all the women we wanted to reach by having different touch points for them. So, a lot of them just breeze through social media and go, Oh, that's good and they just keep going. Some of them come in, they like they comment, they go on the page, and they like one post and they end up liking 25 others all in one time. So, finding a way that we can touch and reach out and talk to the women has been key to where our growth is going. So back in May, we met up with Donnie Boivin and Paul Rogers with Nexm Creative and Donnie has a podcast he was doing with NEXM Creative. And just the ability to launch the podcast in 30 days and have it up and running has exponentially grown our reach right there. In that same time frame, we were finalizing our magazine, our first edition back of our magazine, our magazine is now out we've gone back to what I was doing in 2009 with the Daily DIVAS, we've gone back to doing a Daily DIVA Devotional, every morning. And those are things that are reaching out touching the lives of the women each and every day, but we had to dial those things in. They weren't things that just happened right away. They were things that we had to look at and go what's working? What's not?
I'm going to give you those a little tip for those that like to use social media. If you're using social media to reach the audience, maybe you're a speaker, author, a writer, a business owner, whatever it is, you've put some social media posts up there and you've gotten some likes and some responses on a few posts and then you've got posts that have gone up and it was like crickets, nobody saw them, nobody reacted to them. Nobody commented on them. Stop putting those posts up the ones that got crickets, don't put any more posts up like that, go back and do more posts, like the ones that got the response, because that's what your audience is telling you. They want to see more of it. It's a simple thing. It's a I know some of y'all are going, ‘huh, that's so simple.’ It is. it's hugely simple. At the end of the month, go back and look at what you're doing, and see what worked and see what didn't work. Don't throw the whole thing out. Don't say social media is broken. You can't do anything with social media because it just doesn't work for you. It works for you, you just got to know how to talk to your audience. One of the things I didn't have written right away was my avatar for DIVAS Impact. Once I developed the avatar for DIVAS Impact and knew the type of woman I was talking to, you know, all of those things, we were able to communicate better, we were able to get more involvement and more interest with the women that we were connected with.
So, what is it that you want to be that you want to do in life? Who are you aligning yourself with? Are you wanting to step out maybe be a better mom or help moms be better moms, maybe you want to start a baking business? Maybe you want to write that book? Who do you have in your life that's going to help you get from where you're at, to where you need to be because we all need somebody? Whether it's just somebody to go, where are you at on chapter two, when you're writing your book, have you bought the utensils you need to be able to bake that wedding cake that you've been commissioned for now. You know, there's all these things. My daughter this year, got a new cookbook for Christmas. And it's a baking cookbook, she loves to bake, doesn't like to cook so much, but she loves to bake and her goal this year is to make a cake out of that book each month. And so far, she's ahead of the game. She's made a different cake out of that book each month because she absolutely loves baking.
So, what is it that you want to do? Set a goal, it doesn't have to be big, just activate it. Just start stepping towards it. I used to sit back and say; “I'm just waiting to find somebody that can take me where I need to go.” Some of you out there need to hear that you're a pioneer and you just need step forward because you're actually the one everybody's waiting on. Few weeks ago, when I sat down with Donnie getting ready to launch the show. I'm sitting there with Candyce, my administrative assistant office coordinator girl and she said, I need you move; She told me point blank, I need you moving forward because I'm waiting for you to go places that I want to go. Basically, in Texas term, she told me I'm the slow car in the left lane. So that immediately made me push my foot straight to the floorboard. Which, for those of the written in the car with me know that I drive fast anyway. But I'm a cop's kid, I mean, we were born to drive fast. So, what I did in that sit, she had said that to me, we've had our open house. We've done an expo, we've sponsored a luncheon for women, we've launched the magazine, we've launched the podcasts, we've got it up on YouTube as well. This morning, we found out we are on I Heart Radio as well. There are amazing things that are happening, but what I really want you to realize is all of it started with aligning myself of where we wanted to go and taking that step forward.
Now there's plenty of other women out there doing amazing things. And we're going to try and get them on the show if you know of an amazing woman that we need to get on the show that will may be local to the Dallas Fort Worth area or is coming through the Dallas Fort Worth area soon. We want to have them on the show, but today I want to talk about Eva Fulton. She runs the largest women's veterans’ group in the state of Texas I know, if not the world, and she is the author of the people garden. I'm sorry, but she sees people. She sees their talents; she sees their abilities and she is just a very powerful woman. Yes, I'm getting a little choked up about, a little bit allergy and a little bit of choked up. But her ability to see and call out greatness and others is unmeasured. And so today she is our EVERYDAY DIVA. She is the one that is a cheerleader. She stands for what's right and for what's wrong. She doesn't see any limits or on her abilities and she keeps moving forward. She has done it with a spouse, she's done it as a single mom, she has just kept moving forward in life, and is an inspiration every day with all that she does. She's a veteran as well and I am just super excited to honor her today with our EVERYDAY DIVA and she actually has an article in our magazine this month. So, remember, as you go out this week, I want you to remember to align yourself with who you were called to be. Step forward into the greatness of what you can see ahead for yourself and keep dialing in that life that's yours. Because as Paul’s sitting here in the background, getting all choked up doing this podcast and trying to sip a sip of water, he's got all these dials he's going to be moving and doing and all that stuff, because he's focusing on making things perfect. You can have that too, but you're going to have to make some adjustments to get there, are you willing to? So, that's going to do it for this week, and I look forward to talking to you next week. And, as always, remember to be a DIVA and make an Impact.